Acupuncture isn’t magic, your body is magic! Acupuncture is an energetic and physical prompt to your body’s own natural self-healing abilities. The gentle insertion of hair-thin needles at specific points on the body can stimulate pain-relieving endorphins, increase circulation, reduce inflammation, reduce cortisol levels, and balance hormones. In addition, it can help release emotional and energetic blockages. We take a holistic approach to your health here at GOODBODY. The mind, body, and spirit must all be addressed and we treat accordingly.
Time to thrive! It’s impossible to tackle your day if the energy to do it simply isn’t there. To improve your energy levels we will take a detailed health history in order to get to the root cause of the problem. Restoring hormonal balance, improving digestion, boosting mood, and helping you get a better night’s sleep may all be part of the treatment plan.
“Energy flows where attention goes.”
We are all about mind, body, and SPIRIT. Your emotional health is everything, as it can absolutely affect you mentally and physically. In Traditional Chinese Medicine we associate each organ system with an emotion. Negative emotions can become pathological to the body just like a disease or virus. Through the energetic system of acupuncture, we can assist in unblocking stuck emotions, therefore elevating your mood and vibe.
“Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.”
- Mark Twain
Healthy gut, healthy you! Have you heard of the mind-gut connection? We believe that your digestive health is the key to all other areas of properly functioning body and mind. Acupuncture can help regulate digestion by speeding up metabolism, increasing gastrointestinal muscle contraction and relaxation, reducing gastric acid secretion, regulating small and large intestine function, and restoring stomach acidity to normal levels. We will coach you in cultivating a diet that will keep your brain happy and your bowels regular.
“Every time to eat or drink, you are either feeding disease or fighting it.” -Heather Morgan
Make your mental health a priority! At Goodbody we take your mental health very seriously. If you are suffering from stress, anxiety, or depression we can be a part of your treatment plan. Acupuncture can have a profound effect on calming the nervous system and studies have shown that acupuncture can lead to a release of other brain chemicals, such as endorphins, norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine. Do not be afraid to reach out if your mental health is suffering, usually the hardest step is simply asking for help.
“Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” -World Health Organization (WHO)
Hormones out of whack? Dreaming of a regular, pain-free period? Struggling with infertility? Let us help you get balanced. Acupuncture and herbal medicine can do wonders for regulating menstrual cycles in women. First we address the root cause of your issue, then we take steps to bring symptomatic relief. Recent studies suggest that acupuncture can balance hormones by restoring normal function of hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis (HPOA).
“Hormones can either make you feel like crap, or like a rock star, ready to take on your mission. The key is getting your hormones working for you, not against you.”
- Sara Gottfried M.D.
A good body is a pain free body. Perhaps acupuncture is most well-known for its ability to treat aches and pains. The gentle insertion of hair-thin needles at specific points on the body can stimulate pain-relieving endorphins, increase circulation, and reduce inflammation.
“Exercise not only changes your body, it changes your mind, your attitude, and your mood.”
1 hour 15 minutes (includes first treatment)
Let’s get to know each other! We allow around 30 minutes to discuss YOU, your current state of health, and chief complaints. During your initial consultation we will take a detailed review of all your body systems, make a clear diagnosis, and set measurable goals to work towards together. You will be given a treatment plan, custom dietary/nutrition advice, and herbal supplements if appropriate. Then you will receive your first GOODBODY acupuncture treatment. You will be sent home with the Goodbody welcome packet, filled with a ton of ways to make health progress outside of our clinic walls.
45 minutes
The journey continues! At each follow up appointment we will spend time discussing your progress and answer any questions you may have along the way. We then spend the duration of the appointment treating you with acupuncture and other appropriate services like cupping and moxa.
1 hour
Fancy an all natural glow up? Cosmetic acupuncture addresses fine lines, tone, texture, symmetry and clarity of the skin and face. Often around 30-50 super fine needles are inserted into problem areas. The needles create micro-trauma’s that encourage collagen production and increased circulation. For best results we suggest a package of 8 consecutive treatments.